

  The Nigerian meaning for the last name Osuigwe is "warrior", and warriors they are.


  是燕 在不断飞翔

  你是勇士 是榜样



  Desmond Osuigwe2017

  Desmond Osuigwe grew up in Lagos, Nigeria. During his childhood, he competed in several ITF tournaments and faced many other challenges, including survival. As a teenager, tennis was a way for Desmond to get out of the violence that was occurring across Nigeria during the state elections. With hard work and dedication, Desmond made his way to the United States to attend Jackson State University, before turning professional. In 1997, he came to IMG Academy as a tennis coach, where he still works today.

  Desmond Osuigwe从小在尼日利亚的首都拉各斯长大,在他的孩童时代就已参与过几次国际网连的比赛,在同一时期遭受过其他严峻的考验,其中包括如何努力的生存。作为一名青少年,网球是唯一一条能够让他远离尼日利亚选举时遭受的恶势力影响以及迫害。功夫不负有心人,不断刻苦的付出以及专注下,美国的杰克逊州立大学为他抛出了橄榄枝,之后他成为了职业网球运动员。1997年,他加入IMG学院成为了一名职业网球教练,至今他还在这里孜孜不倦的从事着他热爱的事业。

  Desmond’s children, DeAndre, Whitney and Victoria, followed their father to IMG Academy as full-time boarding school students. DeAndre, a guard for IMG’s boys basketball team, recently graduated from IMG this spring. DeAndre played a crucial role in helping the Ascenders to a 26-2 record and the program’s first-ever DICK’s Nationals appearance during the 2016-17 season.

  Desmond的3个孩子们,DeAndre,Whitney and Victoria,跟随着他们父亲的脚步,以全日制学生的身份进入到了IMG学院学习。DeAndre是IMG男子篮球队的一名后卫,今年的春天刚刚从IMG毕业。DeAndre在帮助学院 26-2的记录中扮演着非常重要的角色,也是篮球部首名参加2016-2017迪克斯全美高中篮球赛季的球员。

  Whitney, a tennis student-athlete at IMG Academy, recently won the Girls’ Singles title at the French Open and is now the world No. 2 ranked junior. From a 6-year-old learning tennis in boots and jeans, to now a professional player, Whitney has persevered and worked her way up to the top.


  Whitney and DeAndre’s youngest sister, Victoria, has big dreams like the rest of her family. Although she’s only in the third grade, the young tennis player already has a goal of being number one in the world and turning professional.


  Despite their past success, the Osuigwe’s continue to push harder and reach further for their goals. DeAndre is training at IMG Academy this summer in preparation for his freshman season at Nyack College in New York. Whitney is in London competing in the Roehampton junior event, before taking on Wimbledon starting this Saturday.




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