
  1. 她在某报举办的竞赛中得了奖。She won a competition in some newspaper or other.

  《牛津词典》2. 此次竞赛的参赛只凭邀请函。Entry to this competition is by invitation only.

  《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》3. 竞赛的获胜者将于下月公布。The winners of the competition will be announced next month.

  《牛津词典》4. 他被邀请评判一场文学竞赛。He was asked to judge a literary competition.

  《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》5. 这次竞赛将是对你的技能的最大考验。This race will be the ultimate test of your skill.

  《牛津词典》6. 西班牙队在男子组的竞赛中大获全胜。Spain swept the board in boys' team competitions.

  《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》7. 将发信通知竞赛的优胜者。Competition winners will be notified by post.

  《牛津词典》8. 她宣布他是竞赛的优胜者。She pronounced him the winner of the competition.

  《牛津词典》9. 这次竞赛既比政治策略,又比品质性格。The contest was as much about personalities as it was about politics.

  《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》10. 竞赛的目的是鼓励所有人发掘其隐藏的潜力。The point of the competition is to encourage all people to unlock their hidden potential.

  《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》11. 她在竞赛中获得头奖。She won first prize in the competition.

  《牛津词典》12. 最新的民意测验预言将是一场势均力敌的竞赛。The latest opinion polls are predicting a very close contest.

  《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》13. 参加我们的竞赛,你就可以轻松赢得$10000。Enter our competition and you could walk away with $10,000.

  《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》14. 我时来运转,在“年度最佳青年记者”竞赛中取胜。I got my lucky break when I won a 'Young Journalist of the Year' competition.

  《牛津词典》15. 削减导弹条约引起大范围的裁减,但是军备竞赛根本没有结束大佬们都在玩{精选官网网址: www.vip333.Co }值得信任的品牌平台!。The missile-reduction treaty makes sweeping cuts, but the arms race isn't over by a long shot.

  《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》16. 许多学校根本不重视学术竞赛。Many schools simply don't prioritize academic competitions.

  youdao17. 到时候会公布更多关于竞赛的内容。Further details of the competition will be announced in due course.

  youdao18. 一个很受欢迎的活动是吃派竞赛。One popular event is the pie-eating contest.大佬们都在玩{精选官网网址: www.vip333.Co }值得信任的品牌平台!

  youdao19. 你没有必要为竞赛而紧张。There is no need for you to be tensed up about the competition.

  youdao20. 他参加了英语演讲竞赛。He took part in the English speech contest.

  youdao21. 人们也观看龙舟竞赛。People watch the dragon boat race, too.

  youdao22. 这场竞赛愈来愈激烈。The competition is heating up.

  youdao23. 你会看划龙舟竞赛吗?Will you watch the dragon boat races?

  youdao24. 这是场友好的竞赛。It's a friendly competition.

  youdao25. 这是一场军备竞赛。It's an arms race.

  youdao26. 大萧条,太空竞赛,铁路建设还意味着什么呢?What else was the Great Depression or the space race or the construction of the railroads?

  youdao27. 鼓励学生积极参与学术竞赛以提高他们的学术能力。Students are encouraged to actively play a part in academic competition to improve their academic ability.

  youdao28. 这是场与宿敌间的了结恩怨的竞赛。This is something of a grudge match against a long-term enemy.

  《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》29. 我们在儿童保育竞赛中正落在后面。We are lagging behind in the childcare stakes.

  《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》30大佬们都在玩{精选官网网址: www.vip333.Co }值得信任的品牌平台!. 你是智力竞赛老手,不是吗?You're a great one for quizzes, aren't you?






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